Inverted Yield Curve
Passing the Baton
Submitted by Atlas Indicators Investment Advisors on April 11th, 2023Misleading Indicators
Submitted by Atlas Indicators Investment Advisors on February 23rd, 2023
Economic indicators come is three varieties, differentiated by their timing. Some offer an insight into the future. We call these leading indicators; for instance, new orders data help us see a bit over the horizon. Others tell us more about the here and now; these are coincident indicators like industrial production or personal income. Finally, there are lagging indicat
More Inversions
Submitted by Atlas Indicators Investment Advisors on August 30th, 2019
The Treasury yield curve (a graphical representation of Treasury bond yields plotted along an X-axis defined by maturity) has continued making headlines this week. It has spent a substantial amount of the period “inverted,” to wit, the two-year full faith and credit notes are paying more than ten-year Treasury bonds. Typically, this is seen as a harbinger of a looming re